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America First Trump Haven

America First

For many years the trade deficit in the USA was expanding drastically, this has prompted over time many atrocities. The USA has been taken advantage of for far too long, plain and simply short changed by most of its trade partners in the engagement of fair and reciprocal trade. Donald J. Trump was the first president to stand up and evoke action on the front of trade. This included applying tariffs on Chinese made goods, to protect American jobs and industry. This policy was also implemented to help counter the abuse of trade under section 232 of the trade expansion act and section 301 of the trade’s act 1974. For decades America has been victim to intellectual property theft and American innovation, the Trump administration was the only administration tackling the issue head on and putting America first. The America First agenda included a range of fair and reciprocal trade deals. This included the immediate removal of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Abolished the North America free trade agreement which was and auto industry catastrophe for the USA and replaced it with the mutually beneficial USMCA. The USMCA deal provides much need protection to American farmers, auto manufactures, dairy producers and the workers of the America, keeping jobs in the USA. The new trade deal is projected to generate 68 billion dollars in economic activity with the opportunity to add over half a million jobs over a 10 year period.

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