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Economy Trump Haven


The pre-covid economy led by the Trump administration provided ground breaking results, never before seen in previous administrations in the United States and the world. Only thanks to the actions of this administration, the United States of America left its mark and intends to continue being the first position in the world economy.

All social classes improved significantly on the economic front with the creation of 7 million new jobs. The income of middle-class families increased by $6,000 a year. This is a five-fold increase compared to the previous Obama administration. Unemployment levels hit their lowest level in 50 years, with unemployment falling to 3.5 percent along with 40 months of month-on-month employment growth.

Unemployment hit a record low across the United States during the Trump administration. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and veterans of our great nation experienced the largest increase in employment numbers in American history. This includes workers with disabilities and special needs who also gain higher levels of employment opportunities. This is a testament to the Trump administration in terms of economic success. Taking into account such a wide and diverse range of social classes, equality of opportunity and prosperity was achieved. Perhaps the most significant feature of the demonstrated success, in light of the pre-covid economy, and the most significant statistic is that more than 7 million Americans were taken off food stamps.

Criticism of the Trump Administration about the nature of the equality gap growing under the Trump era is debunked, as White House government data at the time indicated a 5 percent increase in US homeownership. African Americans and Hispanics. Higher standards of living were achieved under the Trump administration, and the bottom half of American households enjoyed a 40 percent increase in net wealth.

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